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Exercise Is More Than Strong Muscles

Exercise is About More Than Strong Muscles; It’s About Balanced MovementBalanced exercise is important

By Dr. Cynthia Horner

Misunderstood Joint and Muscle Problems

Recently a patient came to my office with shoulder pain afte  she began an exercise program. She said, “Well doc I guess it’s just old age.” I asked “How old is that shoulder?” She laughed and said “forty-eight”. My reply was, “Your other shoulder is also forty-eight years old and it is working just fine so we know it’s not old age causing your problem”.  What is often the problem in muscle and joint pain syndromes is asymmetry, one side of the body is out of balance as compared to the other side. Continue reading

Your Computer Posture Could Be Hurting You

Improving Your Computer Posture

By Dr. Cynthia Horner

I have noticed many more of my wellness patients are experiencing repeated bouts of neck, shoulder and low back pain, from what seems like no apparent cause.  The one common denominator among these patients is prolonged computer use, creating what I call computer posture. Continue reading

What is a Family Chiropractor?

Whole Family Chiropractic Care

by Dr. Cynthia Horner

What makes a chiropractor a family chiropractor? A family chiropractor is experienced and confident in adjusting  infants, children, adults and seniors. The intent of a family chiropractor is to work with all the members of families to promote  health.  A family chiropractor  focuses on educating, motivating and supporting those in their practice in making decisions about everyday habits in eating, posture, sleeping,  stress and exercising. 

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Healing Children without Antibiotics

Respiratory Infections:

by Dr. Cynthia Horner

Your little one is sick with another infection. You have been up most of the night holding a cranky, crying baby. The list of things you have to do tomorrow won’t stop whirling through your head. Your little one clings to you for comfort with a snotty nose and a slight fever. Every few minutes you hear a whimper as you stroke your precious child’s moist hair. Is it another ear infection? Is it a sinus infection, or is it a bad cold or the flu? Continue reading

Natural Health Care v.s. Conventional Health Care

By Dr. Cynthia Horner

I’m often asked how does natural health care such as chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy or naturopathy differ from conventional  health care.  The difference is in the intention of the care giver. Continue reading

The Hopes

Connect by MWoodham on Etsy

By Dr. Cynthia Horner

The hopes, dreams and ambitions of a different kind of chiropractor

I had always imagined there would be a place in this world for a health professional who wished to create a connection with those in her community. I pictured myself practicing in a small, casual office with my sleeves rolled up to my elbows and a big dog curled up asleep on the floor. I knew my credibility would not come from the title doctor or from a white lab jacket but from the personal relationships I built, and in knowing members of my community could trust and depend on me. In the last 21 years I have had the joy of  just that experience. Continue reading